We use the following three sets of guidelines : general club rules, hostess responsibilities, and member responsibilities. We ask for full engagement and everyone is held accountable.
Meetings will be held on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM.
Elected officers will serve two-year term excluding the treasurer who will serve until she resigns.
New members must complete a three month trial period. They do not become permanent members until they attend three consecutive meetings.
Guests are allowed at meetings under the following circumstances:
They should be invited by the hostess.
They must read the book.
If invited by someone other than the hostess, the member must receive prior approval from the hostess.
Each member is expected to attend 8 out of 11 meetings per year. If you miss a meeting, you are expected message the group. If a member's attendance comes into question, a letter will be sent to inquire about their commitment to the club.
If a decision is voted on within the meeting, that is our final decision and the decision that we will abide by. Any concerns must be addressed during the meeting and prior to voting.
Member dues are set at $30 per year to be paid by the March meeting. New members will pay dues after completing the three month trial period retroactive to the first month of trial membership.
Meetings will start on time. It is requested that you let the group know if you are going to be late.
Meetings will last approximately 2 hours. Book discussion at 7:00 PM and book club business immediately following the book discussion.
During meetings, we will stay focused on the subject at hand, give everyone a chance to speak, and respect the opinion of others.
Books are chosen three months prior to being discussed. Once a book is chosen, it can only be changed under extreme circumstances, such as the book is not easily available or something similar. It has to be changed at least 2 months prior to the discussion month.
The Historian will serve as our timekeeper for topic discussions.
Chooses book
Prepares a brief devotional reading to be shared at the meeting
Prepares a bio of the author to be shared at the meeting (optional)
Obtain and read the chosen book
Come to the meeting prepared to actively participate
Host a meeting (when it is your turn during the rotation)
Copyright © Ebony Pages Book Club, .